České dráhy will be equipping 161 railway vehicles/units with a mobile part of the ETCS railway control system. Through communication between the track and train equipments, a further increase in safety on the Czech railways will be achieved. The project application for financial support within the call of the CEF2 community program was approved for the railway carrier.
České dráhy, a.s. has succeeded with its application for a grant under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme (2021-2027) for a project titled "Vehicles for equipment with ETCS within CEF2 II". The objective of this CEF instrument is to finance the selected activities in the energy infrastructure, telecommunications and transport sectors. In accordance with the decision by the European Commission, the CEF programme is administered by the Brussels-based European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). On October 13, 2023, a Grant Agreement was signed for the granted project, which sets out the terms for the implementation of the project, including determination of the amount of the grant, which will be realized in the form of a financial contribution per one unit with ETCS in the amount of EUR 750.000/national prototype retrofit/per vehicle, EUR 140.000/national retrofit/per vehicle, i.e. the the total grant amount is EUR 23.760.000.
The train control systems currently in use in the Member States of the European Union (EU) are technically outdated, their most significant drawback is their difference and mutual incompatibility with the systems of other Member States, which is an obstacle for the trains entering the territory of a foreign state. This difference led to the idea of development and introduction of a new, unified, significantly improved and safer train control system device within the EU. In 1995, the European Commission adopted a global strategy for the development of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) in order to prepare its future implementation on the European rail network and reflected this strategy in the Interoperability Directive and, subsequently, in the Technical Specifications for the interoperability of the control subsystem, also for the European conventional rail system.
ETCS (European Train Control System) is a European train control system that enables transmission of the information to the train driver on the driving authorisation also on the speed limit and, simultaneously, to control the train driver’s compliance with these instructions. Through ETCS, the track part transmits information to the on-board part of the train system, which keeps setting the maximum speed limit and checking whether it is being followed by the train driver.
Under the implementation of the project, 103 vehicles of České dráhy operating on TEN-T corridors within the Czech Republic will be equipped with the ERTMS components, which means with the on-board components of the ETCS system. Specifically the vehicles of 742(743.2), 841.2, 660, 661, 640, 650, 961, 471, 841 series are involved.
Anticipated amount of eligible costs: EUR 101.180.579 EUR
Amount of the grant: EUR 750.000 / national prototype retrofit / per vehicle, EUR 140.000 / national retrofit /
per vehicle
Total amount of the grant: EUR 23.760.000 EUR
Contact person: Ing. Jiří Dejmek, jiri.dejmek@cd.cz