The SUGAR project is realised within the Interregional Cooperation Operational Programme. The programme is financed through EU funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It focuses on cooperation among public authorities and institutions with the character of a public authority at the local and regional levels with the goal of exchanging and transferring experience and of ensuring joint development of approaches and tools in order to improve the effectiveness of regional development policy. The main areas of cooperation are innovation and the knowledge economy, the environment and risk protection.
The leading authority in the Interregional Cooperation Operational Programme is the Conseil Régional du Nord-Pas de Calais in France; in the Czech Republic, it is the National Contact Point of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic.
Information about the Interreg IVC programme is available on
Additional information concerning European Union regional development policy can be found on

Brief project overview
The goal of the SUGAR (Sustainable Urban Goods logistics Achieved by Regional and local policies) project is the implementation of new innovative approaches in the area of city logistics. In addition to ČD, a.s., other participants from the Czech Republic are the South Bohemia and Ústí administrative Regions; foreign participants include the leading partner – the Emilia-Romagna administrative Region – as well as the cities of Paris, Barcelona, London, Athens and others.
At the national level, the goal of participation in the project is the possibility of cooperation between the subsidiary ČD Cargo – specifically its Department of Intermodal Shipping and Logistics Services – with the Ústí Region in developing city logistics connected to the existing terminal in Lovosice. At the international level, insight in the area of city logistics in Europe’s largest cities can be considered the greatest benefit.
ČD’s participation in the project is a benefit for regional and local administration in view of our experience with legislative, transport, logistical and economic conditions in the rail freight shipping sector, and with the specifics of the transport market.
Long-term project goals
- To address the issue of ineffective management of the transport/distribution of goods in cities.
- To reduce air pollution in urban areas.
- To reduce other negative effects of transport (noise, congestion, traffic accidents, deterioration of transport infrastructure, atmospheric degradation, etc.).
Project launch – 11/2008
Project completion – 02/2012
Total project duration – 40 months