České dráhy has announced a Tender Procedure to find a suitable Bidder interested in the purchase of a part of the plant, which includes healthcare facilities in Česká Třebová, Nymburk, Olomouc, Ostrava, Pilsen and Prague.  At present, this part of the plant is leased and is operated independently on the basis of a Lease Agreement by Dopravní zdravotnictví a.s., forming a part of the AGEL Group. The current Lease Agreement will expire at the end of 2027.

“We are convinced that České dráhy needs to focus on its core business – railway transport – and not on something with which it has had no serious experience already for many years. Through the Tender Procedure we want to find out what interest there would be in the railway healthcare business, still before the current lease arrangement expires,” says Michal Krapinec, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director General of České dráhy, on the occasion of the launching of the Tender Procedure. “But it is also important to say that if the offers of the interested parties are not attractive enough, I do not exclude the possibility of our continuation in the lease arrangement under the newly agreed terms and conditions even beyond 2027,” adds Mr. Krapinec.

The Bidders will have to prove that they meet a number of qualification criteria. The deadline for the filing of their applications is 30 September 2024.

Detailed information about the Tender Procedure